Melissa Brodeur

Melissa Brodeur is the Program Manager of the National Ocean Sciences Bowl (NOSB). Melissa joined the Consortium for Ocean Leadership (COL) in April 2007 as a Research Associate for the Census of Marine Life and the National Oceanographic Partnership Program. Understanding the importance of educating the next generation of ocean scientists and stewards, she was delighted to begin working with the NOSB in 2011. In addition to managing NOSB’s programmatic activities and administrative requirements, Melissa enjoys working with the wide community of NOSB students, teachers, Regional Coordinators, volunteers, and funders towards training our future environmental leaders.
Melissa received her BS in Marine Biology from Fairleigh Dickinson University and as part of her bachelor's degree requirements, studied tropical marine science at the University of Hawaii in Hilo and temperate ecosystems at Shoals Marine Laboratory. Melissa received her MS in Earth Sciences and Oceanography from the University of New Hampshire.